Bad Eating Habits & Lifestyle disease and their Prevention part # 1

Hello everyone welcomes my new topic on healthy lifestyle tips for lifestyle disease. Nowadays many diseases have become common. Some Diseases like Diabetes, High or Low Blood pressure, Thyroid, obesity.  Every two people of five suffer from these diseases. These diseases come from our bad eating habits and Unhealthy Lifestyle.
                                                             A few decades ago all these diseases were rarely seen. Earlier most of the disease was cold, fever, vomiting, and loose motion happens. So what has happened that we have to face all this now?
                                                                  Somewhere our modern lifestyle responsible for this. Where a science and technology growing day by day else human being now getting lazy. Today it has become very easy to work but at the same time, we take so much stress. We did every work with just pushing a button but we don’t have time for ourselves. So firstly we should understand about lifestyle. There are two types of Lifestyles.

healthy lifestyle tips

1.) Healthy Lifestyle 

2.) Unhealthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

 lifestyle is our way of living. In other words we can say how we live in our daily life. A healthy lifestyle is a way that leads us to a healthy life. Where sickness can’t even touch us. We should live in that way of living. People who are aware of their health can enjoy life fully. They know what things to study to stay healthy and also understand the value of nutrition. And things like how much we should sleep, how much water we should take, how much and when we should eat something. Awareness About these healthy lifestyle tips we can attain the healthiness in life and the sickness will go away.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

 Unhealthy Lifestyle lives who do not understand the importance of health. They are just passing their life. An unhealthy lifestyle just invites disease in people's life. Such people don’t choose to eat and drink. They keep eating whatever they like. There is no time for such people to sleep or not to get up. Such people eighter don’t drink water or don't drink in sufficient quantity. They don’t care about their body. Don’t even pay attention to their weight management system. Then many disease come into their body. They don’t even enjoy life. Such people insist on earning money, later they get sick and give the money to doctors.

 There is a famous Quote

If you don’t find time for today’s fitness
You are saving that time for tomorrow sickness 

                                 Let's Discuss some Lifestyle Disease and their Preventions some lifestyle diseases are explained bellow like

a.) Diabetes,  b.) High or Low Blood Pressure,    c.)Thyroid,   d.)Obesity,    e.) Constipation,    F.)PCOD

1st lifestyle disease is Diabetes 

healthy lifestyle tips

 Diabetes or commonly said sugar is one of the common diseases having people in this modern time. This disease caused by excessive amounts of glucose in the body. This is a kind of lifestyle disease because this directly concerns with our bad eating habits. By our bad eating habits pancreas (an organ of our body) does not work properly and does not produce insulin or not do enough as the requirement than the level of glucose in our Blood increases so then this problem is happening. So we should aware of our body organs we should know which nutrition us for healthy body organs. Nutrition is very necessary for our body organs for their growth and good functioning. If our pancreas is fine, we will not have diabetes.


 To prevent diabetes we should follow a healthy lifestyle. We should control our weight. Obesity is a big reason to come to diabetes in life. Our weight should be managed according to our height. weight management is necessary for the cure of this disease. We should avoid eating more calories. So that our body does not produce much glucose. We should take low-fat high protein food within 90 minutes of waking up in the morning is the best way to avoid diabetes. Exercise makes our internal body organs strong that produce natural insulin in the body. As you follow a good and healthy lifestyle one day you will get rid of diabetes.

                                     These healthy lifestyle tips are adopted by many people, this way has benefited many people. I have brought this method for you from their experience. How did you find the blog? Tell me in the comment section. Have a nice day 


  1. Very informative article. Keep it up👏👏👏

  2. Thanks for this great post, i find it very interesting and very well thought out and put together. I look forward to reading your work in the future. Latest news update


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