Lifestyle disease and cure part 3 (PCOD and obesity)

Hello everyone, welcomes My Health Coach-s. So the wait is ended and now we are here with another part of healthy lifestyle tips,  lifestyle diseases, and cure part 3. Well, we learn in a previous topic Lifestyle diseases and cure part 2  on that topic. We were discussed Blood Pressure and thyroid and now we discuss this topic for PCOD and Obesity the problem of PCOD happens to ladies. This is a Lifestyle disease so let's talk about PCOD (Polycystic ovary disease) 

PCOD (Polycystic ovary disease) 

PCOD happens to ladies by bad lifestyle, In this disease ladies suffered from irregular periods, In this case, small eggs are gathered in their ovary. that's why many problems are start coming into the body. Result body make the low quality of insulin to maintain the sugar level of body


 Today's bad lifestyle is fully responsible for this disease. In today's modern lifestyle we become very lazy don't get enough work done by the body.  As a result of our bodies become weak internally. People love to eat fast food rather than the food prepared in the home. Fast-food and oily food make hormonal imbalance in ladies by the weakness of internal organs and hormonal imbalance this disease happens to ladies. Many teenage girls are suffering from this disease. Because teenage girls are very lazy and don't show interest in physical activity and Outer games. All the day fix with mobile and laptop and surfing social media are the main reasons behind the PCOD and PCOS.

Bad Effects of PCOD or PCOS

* Facial Hair

*  Excessive bleeding and Immature eggs in periods

* Obesity

* Production of inefficient insulin

* due to PCOD or PCS there is more possibility happening diabetes

* Acne on face or body

* This problem can make lady infertile to born a baby


As usual, PCOD is a pure Bad Lifestyle disease so we should adopt a healthy lifestyle. In this disease, medicine will work only if you improve your diet. And do daily exercises to prevent this disease we should adopt the Healthy lifestyle like we should sleep at a time sleep, get up early morning and should do any physical activity, Take good nutritious food, avoid oily fatty food from the restaurant and Packed food. We should avoid spicy food and adopt healthy food or diet we should eat a rich protein food, Omega 3 a fatty acid is good for heart and mind and hormonal balancing. Flax seeds, Tuna fish are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids

                                               Physical activities necessary for this to prevent disease that ant one can start with walking, Dancing, Aerobic, Yoga, and any other activity which is helping to the management of our weight or reduce our weight. If anyone is suffering from sugar level disbalancing one should eat only LOW GI food


An Obase person has many reasons behind his obesity, one of the most common reasons is a bad lifestyle and bad eating habits are tow things that may be responsible for this, an obese person faces many embarrassing situations in life. Obesity is directly proportional to overeating habits. Our body becomes as we eat. people don't have knowledge about nutritional eating habits. We should know what we have to eat in how much quantity. Those people who do not do exercise or other physical activity mostly they are suffering from obesity


 If anyone is suffering from obesity you should adopt a disciplined and healthy lifestyle you should wake up early in the morning and do some physical activity like dance, Aerobics, yoga, and another exercise. We have also discussed previously 5 essential things to weight loss tips. These five things are very easy to attain healthy weight management. We should also learn how to manage our calories because we should eat only much what the need of our body


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